In case you haven't heard me complain about it lately, the weather in Portland has not been so great lately. The weekly forecast has included key words like this for what seems like forever: rain showers, mostly cloudy, lower than normal temps, expect warmer temps by the end of the week, rain showers, mostly cloudy, lower than normal temps, expect warmer temps by the end of the week. The "expect warmer temps by the end of the week" is what I believe to be a conspiracy theory to keep people in Portland, the extended forecast always has the 4
th day getting warmer but the 4
th day never comes. Well, enough of my diatribe on the weather, the
important thing is we did something about it. We can't change the weather, so we decided at the last minute to change our location, at least for a few days. Last Thursday afternoon we booked a trip to LA for the next morning. Goodbye rain, hello sun! (I'm late on posting this trip was the weekend before last) and the weather did perk up a bit this weekend!
A few things we learned along the way:
1. The people dressed in costume in Hollywood around Sunset Blvd expect tips if you take their picture. We didn't tip.
2. Right off of Rodeo drive there is an awesome cupcake shop that far exceeds the cupcake shops found in Portland. Delicious!
3. The Grizzly River Run ride at California Adventures will leave you completely soaked.
4. Make sure when you book the trip you book it in your married name, not your maiden name. whoops.
5. An afternoon at the beach makes up for 3 months of rain, kind of.

We take the rides at Disneyland very seriously, as you can tell from this picture. I know, you are as confused as we are at the faces we are making.