Saturday, November 17, 2012

Benny Benson

A lot happens when you don't blog for almost two years.  This was one of those things! Benson turned one year old today and is finally making an appearance on this here blog.  Here's a little about this boy we call Benny Benson or Benny Boop.
Benson is such a sweet boy (unless he's hungry or wants something he can't have.) He's walking everywhere and usually likes to have his little blankie hanging from his mouth.  He loves his brother and thinks that wrestling with him is the best thing ever.  He now has 14 teeth, I think, he doesn't like anyone looking in his mouth.  He also loves, loves, loves water! Bathtime is his favorite time of day.  He is terrified, and I mean terrified of cats.  Good thing we only have a dog.  He finally slept through the night two nights ago but didn't repeat that last night.  He is a picky eater and can clear his highchair with two swift swings of his hands (one of the reasons Zoe loves him.) He only really says one word and that's "dada."  He loves his daddy. He will start bouncing and swinging his arms if he hears any type of music.  He hates his carseat, still! But will often stop screaming if everyone in the car sings the ABC's, the Itsy Bitsy Spider or Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star but nothing else.  He's known at church as the "growler." 
He's always had the biggest smile and shares it with everyone. We love him to bits and are so happy to have him in our family.
Here he is waiting for cake.  Not the best picture but the only one I had readily available on Scott's computer.  And let's be honest, if I waited to find a good picture I might not ever get around to posting.