Friday, August 29, 2008


If you know me well, you know how much I struggle with going to the dentist. I won't say I hate the dentist because it's not actually the dentist I hate, it's the whole experience. And we had plenty of experiences in the month of August. Scott unfortunately took the brunt of it, poor guy. Here's a rundown of our combined fun:

2 intial visits
2 full sets of x-rays
3 temporary crowns
2 permanent crowns
1 root canal
1 retreat root canal
1 root canal surgery
more xrays
palate ulcers
3 visits to file down high spots
4 prescriptions for clindamycin
3 prescriptions for vicodin
more ibuprofen than our livers are able to metabolize
1 prescription for decadron
36 hours of hiccoughs (straight)
Maximum dental benefits paid
Lots of dental bills

And they're still not done with us. How did we ever find each other?
Here's to a better month!


Lohra said...

I always heard kissing gives you cavities.

Renee said...

and here's to a better mouth :)

Ren, Anna, & Tristan said...

Are you serious??? Oh my word....that is crazy!!!

The Wiseman Life said...

That is one serious dentist bill! Sheesh! I'm sorry you both had to endure all that torture...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right! lol
I miss you!

Jen-ben said...

SHUT UP!! How sad! And expensive! :)

Chrystal said...

Ouch! We all go in this month-hope it's not contagious.

T & E's Blog said...

Ha!!! Well, I'm glad it's not actually the dentist you hate!!! :)

Sounds TERRIBLE though!

MiRanda said...

So when you going to put pic up of the new Paxman home? I am dying to see it! I am so excited for you!
I seriously want to come out soon....lets get it all figured out. I miss you more than an M&M McFlurry!

Bethany and Cameron said...

Ugh, I hate dental bills! That's why I hope Haylee gets my teeth and Cameron's eyes--then she'll be set!:)

Anonymous said...

the things that we go through to have a BEAUTIFUL Smile...Hay maybe you can work a couple of hours a month at a dental office and get FREE dental work? (that's working pretty good for me LOL )